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BREAKING: Major Shake-up Rocks Prison As Buhari Govt Sacks 9 Top Officials, Forces Others To Resign

The Nigerian Correctional Service has dismissed nine officers and retired 25 others compulsorily for misconduct.

The service’s spokesman, Umar Abubakar, stated on Sunday that four others were issued with letters of warning.

The statement quoted the controller-general of the service, Haliru Nababa, as announcing the decisions after approval by the Civil Defence, Corrections, Fire and Immigration Board.

The statement assured the public that the service would not relent in ridding its workforce of bad eggs.

The prisons boss warned that there would be no room for indolence or indiscipline in the service.

Mr Nababa also assured of the readiness of the service to reward hardworking and committed prison officials.

“The Reward Fund Unit is fully activated and very soon, staff with exceptional performance will be invited to Abuja. This will be for them to receive rewards for their show of gallantry and dedication to duty,’’ said Mr Nababa.


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