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Nsukka Youths Association Election 30th October, 2022, A New Dawn in the History of Nsukka Youths.

Comr. Omeje Onyekachi Callistus emerges the President General Nsukka Youths Association in an election conducted on Sunday 30th October, 2022 at Sam Maduka Onyishi Nsukka Civic Center, Echara Road Nsukka.

It is a new dawn in Nsukka Youths Association as crop of new executive were elected into various offices.

The election into different offices was done with a high level of civility and transparency. 

It is pertinent to note that Nsukka Youths Association is an umbrella body that encompasses youths from the Nine Autonomous communities that made up Nsukka Town (Ishi aya n'tegna) which is made up of 120+ villages from different communities.

The nine autonomous communities which was drived from three quarters of Nsukka Town: Nkpunano, Nru and Ihe/Owerre include:

1. Nkpunano: 

Nguru, Isiakpu, Echara and Umakashi

2. Nru:

Iheagu, Ezema n'edem, Umuoyo.

3. Ihe n'Owerre 

Ihe, Owerre

There are up to 120+ villages that made up Nsukka Town.

The villages from the Nine Autonomous communities include:


1. Umuezeoguda

2. Amoshua (Uwa al' and Uwa el')

3. Likke 

4. Amagu Idike

5. Umuodeju

6. Umuezediko

7. Amegu Uwani 

8. Umudimojome

9. Umuose 

10. Uwani Igbo

2. Isiakpu

1. Umuobia 

2. Umuoketere (Ishiyi)

3. Umuegbeona

4. Umu-ezema Ugwu Odobo

5. Amoba Uwa al'

6. Amoba Uwa el'

7. Ameko

8. Elugwu Isiakpu

3. Echara 

1. Amokpo

2. Amaeze enu

3. Umuagwene

4. Umuocha

5. Obechara

6. Amaezeani

7. Umudele

8. Ibagwa-Ede

4. Umakashi

1. Amaji

2. Umueze 

3. Umudim

4. Admabia


1. Iheagu 

1. Umuedogbanyi

2. Umuko

3. Mkpurumoji

4. Amudia

5. Ogbagi

6. Umuidu

7. Umashi 

8. Amaikpu 

9. Umuokparaeze

10. Amebo

11. Amaohe

2. Ezema n'edem 

1. Amegu Ezema 

2. Uwelu Ezema 

3. Amankpume 

4. Amugoro

5. Amankwo 

6. Amora

7. Umunkporogidi

8. Umuokwo

9. Umuario

10. Amezedim 

11. Amegu Edem 

12. Amofie

13. Amarika

14. Amadim 

15. Ida-Amokwe

16. Amaeze 

17. Amaigwede

18. Amaukpocha 

19. Amagu-elu

20. Umuadaogele

21. Amori 

22. Edemgbani

23. Umuocha

3. Umuoyo

1. Umudimkwo

2. Umudule

3. Amaigbo -elu

4. Umu-ezema Ugwu Smoke

5. Umugworie 

6. Umudim

7. Umudiezugwo

8. Umajiocha 

9. Umuamoke-abba

10. Amoka

11. Umuezike Amoke

12. Umuezike Alike 

13. Amaehuru 

14. Umuezike Dioke 

15. Umuezenacho

16. Amolu


1. Amukwa 

2. Amukwa Onuiyi 

3. Mbuke

4. Amoshua

5. Umuinwara

6. Umuabere

7. Orihe

8. Umuchim

9. Umuamoke 

10. Umuibogwa 

11. Mkpuru-ikwere 

12. Umudimgwoke 

13. Umunwanwa

14. Umuahaka

15. Uwelu Umudikwu

16. Uwal' Umudikwu 

17. Umuiheonwa 

18. Umuise 

19. Amegu Umachom 

20. Umudiaka 

21. Umuezebi

22. Umuokwa 


1. Umueze uzu

2. Owerre enu

3. Umuakechi 

4. Umunengwa 

5. Amokwe

6. Amaeze 

7. Umuonugbe 

8. Amaefum

9. Umuezeikorogu

10. Umu-Omeje Ugwu 

11. Ameboani

12. Amuke 

13. Umudiahum

14. Umu -Eg'rr (Eguru)

15. Umudikwere 

16. Amadiaba

Each of the villages has a representative in the Nsukka Youths Association, hence, at each meeting it's expected that 120+ members of the association shall be in attendance. The representative is always sent by each Village through a resolution in the Village General Assembly and must be approval by the village head (Onyishi). An accompanying letter of Representative member shall be sent to Nsukka Youths Association indicating that the said person shall represent his village in the youth association.

Nsukka Youths Association has past Presidents that performed excellently well for the growth of Nsukka Town notable among them is Chief Dr. Sam. Maduka Onyishi (Peace), Onwa Nsukka whose tenure saw to many developmental projects in the Nsukka Town and others.

The List of the New Executive are as follows:

The New President - Comrade Omeje Onyekachi Callistus who is a vibrant, energetic, dynamic and youth oriented  person prepared to take Nsukka Youths to a greater height. 

Elected with him are:

2. Eze Udochukwu - Secretary General

3. Awoke Demian - Assistant Secretary.

4. Ozioko Linus - Financial Secretary 

5. Ishiwu Reuben - Vice President 1

6. Nwangwu Demian - Vice President 2

7. Agbo Charles - Treasurer

8. Onah Reuben - Chief PRO

9. Ozioko Uchenna - Assistant PRO 1

10. Ugwuma Kenneth - Assistant PRO 2

11. Ugwu Paul - Provost 

12. Onah Frank - Director of Social 

The success of this election was as a result of the tireless efforts of all the members of the caretaker committee who remained committed to their mandate throughout the duration of their assignment.

Recall that the caretaker committee was set up by the President General of the parent Body Nsukka Town Union Chief Joseph Ohe Onyeke (Ishiwu) following the expiration and long stay in office of the immediate past President General Mr. Chidokwe Attama.


The Chairman of the  Caretaker Committee Barr. C.O Ugwuaku and all the members of the committee has done noble in giving Nsukka Town these new executive members and has satisfied the terms of reference given to them during their swearing in. 

The Returning officer during the election was Chief Celestine Eze - President General Isiakpu Community alongside Onyishi Emma Onyishi - Secretary Akpuruaru Nsukka among others.

Appreciation goes to all the Traditional Rulers of the Nine Autonomous Communities for their support before and during the Election, The Nzema's, The Umuada's, the P.G (s), the executive of Nsukka Town Union led by Chief J. O Onyeke and many others too numerous to mention who were on ground to observe the proceedings of the election.

 In his inaugural Speech on behalf of the newly elected Executive, Comrade Omeje  Onyekachi Callistus assured Nsukka Town of a reinvigorated Nsukka Youths Association that shall consider Nsukka First, a youth organization that shall see to the welfare of her members and the progress of Nsukka Town.

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